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Other Funds

Venture Fund, L.P.

Launched in 2000, Venture Fund, L.P. is now essentially fully realized.

Committed capital of C$104 million

Venture Fund II, L.P.

Launched in 2004, Venture Fund II, L.P. is now closed for investments and in realization mode.

Committee capital of C$108 million

Mezzanine Fund II, L.P.

Launched in 2000, Mezzanine Fund II, L.P. is now fully realized.

Committed capital of C$383 million

Energy Fund, L.P.

Launched in 2007, Energy Fund, L.P. is now fully realized.

Committed capital in excess of C$28 million

175 Bloor Street East, Suite 801 North Tower, Toronto ON  M4W 3R8Tel :     416-860-3740 Fax :    416-860-9838 Email : info@edgestone.com

EdgeStone Capital
One of Canada's
leading independent
private capital